Crytographically Secure Statistical Data Analysis (CODA)

CODA is built for doing secure outsourcing, specifically for the computation of statistics. The statistics supported by CODA:

This is project is based on this paper.

Running Examples

We give some running examples to show how CODA works.

Mean Protocol

We compute the mean (average) from numerical data.

├── clients
│   ├── Alice
│   │   └── input1.csv
│   └── Bob
│       └── input2.csv
├── meta
│   └── meta.init
└── server
    ├── encrypted_clients
    │   ├── Alice
    │   └── Bob
    └── evaluation_result
1 20 3 4
3 2 3 6
2 28 6 4
3 5 92 4
1 2 32 41

Here #4 indicates that there are four attributes of the numerical data. For instance, we can have the age, incomes, weight and height attributes. All these values should be integer. To handle float reals in CODA, we might need some pre-processing. For example, to save 2-digit precision, we have convert the float value 1.245 to the integer 125, by multiplying 10^2 to the float values.

Contingency Table Protocol

Contingency table is calculated from categorical data. In this example, the Alice’s and Bob’s data is

#2 2 2 
1 1
1 1
1 2
1 1
1 1
2 2
2 2

The first line #2 2 2 is #number_of_categorical_attributes domain_size_of_the_first_attribute domain_size_of_the_second_attribute. For example, if we have two categorical attributes like, “gender (i.e., male and female)” and “health condition (i.e., healthy and ill)”, then the first line of the data file should be #2 2 2. If we have another attribute like “age (i.e, <10, 10-20, 30-40, >40)”, then we need to set the first line as #3 2 2 4. For the record 1 2, it indicates that if might be a record of “male” and “ill”. Of course, we can designate 1 as female and 2 as male.

Given Alice’s and Bob’s data (here, we use the same file for Alice and Bob just for the demonstration) the contingency table is

   1   2
1| 8   2
2| 4   0

This means, in total, we have 8 records of (1, 1), 2 records of (1, 2) and 2 records of (2, 1) but no records of (2, 2).

In this example, we need to set the meta.init as protocol PROT_CON (CON denotes contingency). Then the encryption with CODA is core enc clients/Alice/input1.csv meta/meta.init server/encrypted_clients/Alice.

The evaluation of the contingency table is a little bit different from the mean protocol. We can have more than 2 categorical attributes in our data. Thereby, we need to determine which attribute-pairs to compute when we call the core eva command. In this, example, we call _core eva server/encrypted_clients/ server/evaluation_result/ meta/meta.init 1 2 2. We have three more arguments here, 1 2 2. The first 1 2 means that we are computing the contingency table with the 1st and 2nd categorical attributes of the data. The last 2 indicates that we want to hide the values that is not larger than 2 in the contingency table. For this threshold 2, the computed contingency is as following.

   1   2
1| 8   0
2| 4   0

Since there only two records of (1 2), then this values will be hidden. We note that, the processing is done inside the ciphertexts. Thus, CODA does not aware of the actual numbers of (1 2).

After we decrypt the evaluation_result as

core dec server/evaluation_result/File_result . meta/meta.init.

The computed contingency table is

1 2
8 0 0 4

The first line 1 2 indicates that this evaluation is computed from the 1st attribute and the 2nd attribute.